Ryan Marsini
River Carpenter

Ryan was born in June 15, 1992 and he was 4 years old when he came to the show. After he left he had a part in the movie The Confession in 1999.

River was found on the Church's doorstep on Christmas Eve. Cassie, who was broken from the death of her child, decided he was god's gift to her and decided to keep him. It wasn't so simple though, since his birth mother, Beth changed her mind and wanted him back. However ,she suddenly got very sick, and her dying wish was to have Cassie and Andrew raise her son. River had to deal with his parents' divorce and his mother being committed to mental institution.

River enjoyed his time on OLTL. In an interview with SOD in 1998 he was asked "What is the worst thing about being on a soap?" He said, "The worst is when I don't remember my lines and I have to start all over and I can't go and play with my friends." When asked who he liked best on the set, he said that he liked them all but Laura Koffman {Cassie-on screen mom, pictured to the right} was his best-friend on the set. One time he forgot his line and she hugged him and told it to him. {Photographed by left: Tammy Marsini, right: Ann Limongello.}

Ryan liked working with his co-star Michael Zaslow, who played his grandfather, David. Ryan said, "He is cool. I like how he talks with his computer, and he let me ride on his wheelchair." River called his grandfather "The Machine Man".

FYI: Michael Zaslow suffered from ALS, {Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's Disease}. It's a neuromuscular disease that robs people of their ability to speak, move and finally to breathe, while the mind remains unaffected. The disease affects different parts of the body at different times. Michael Zaslow lost his voice first and then the muscle tone in his arms and legs. The great baseball player, Lou Gehrig lost his arm muscle tone first, then legs and last his voice. Michael succumbed to ALS on December 6, 1998, little more than a year after his diagnosis. A note from Cain: My father Michael Gary Cain also died of this disease. He lived four years with it and was only 44 years old when he died. It is a horrible disease no one should ever have to suffer from it. He lost his muscle tone in his legs first, then his arms and last his voice. The life span is different for everyone. It depends on how strong the body is and what area it strikes first. It is not a rare disease as most people think. The incidence of ALS is about equal to Multiple Sclerosis, but because ALS is brutal and brief, there are fewer voices to advocate for treatment. However, ongoing scientific breakthroughs are bringing us closer to a cure for ALS and its sister diseases, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Click on the link ZazAngels.com and learn more about the disease and how you can help find a cure. Thanks Cain, in loving memory of my father Michael Gary Cain, 05/31/44-02/06/89. {Photograph by Tammy Marsini}


Chris McKenna
Joey Buchanan

Chris was born in Queens, New York, USA on October 10, 1977. After he left he had a part in the movie In & Out in 1997 (along with Ryan Janis). He also played Rob in the series The Opposite Sex in 1999.

Joey supported his mother through her stroke and helped as much as he could. He defended his gay friend Billie Douglas {played by Ryan Phillipe} when the entire town was appalled by him. He needed to deal with death when Cord was thought to be dead and when Megan died. On the other hand, there were happy things as well, like his first girlfriend, Alana.

Chris is pictured on the right with his mother, Mary Ann and brother, Ryan. {Photo by Robert Milazzo}


Regan McManus
Mary Vernon Karr

Jenny & Kat gave birth at about the same time, but when Jenny's sister Karen went to visit her niece, she saw she was dead. Quickly she switched the names and Mary was thought to be Jenny's. This secret was revealed years later when Mary was old enough to understand and it was very painful to give up the family she'd known. Kat joyously reunited with her daughter. To everyone's surprise Kat announced that Brad was Mary's father. Later on, Kat and Mary decided to leave town.


Morgan K. Melis
Kevin Buchanan

Kevin had a childhood full of events since he was born. At first there was the fear he inherited the heart defect his deceased sister had, fortunately he didn't. Afterward he was kidnapped by Cathy Craig in order to get back at Viki. He was returned, but then his father found out he had a tumor in his head. Kevin had to deal with his father's death but later he welcomed his new brother, Joey, when he was born.


Gary and Keith Meredith
Clinton James Roberts

Gary and Keith shared the role of C.J. for just about two years. They are shown here with on-screen father Cord {John Loprieno).


Ryan Morris
Joey Riley Buchanan

Joey never got to know his biological father because he died before he was born. He was adopted by Clint Buchanan after he married his mother and since then he has become a real Buchanan.


Tyler Noyes
C.J. Roberts

While Tyler was in the role CJ took part in 25th anniversary plot, when he and Al fell and almost died. CJ was also saved by Todd when Marty, Jessie and CJ were involved in a car accident. He and his sister were almost the only relatives who welcomed their Uncle Todd to the family. Later he moved out of town with his mother and sister.

Tyler appeared in numerous movies during and after his time on OLTL, including The Sunshine Boys in 1995, Follow the River in 1995, Love-Struck {pictured to the left} in 1997 and Deaf Man Heard also in 1997.


Liam and Aidan O'Donnell
Ace Buchanan (Adam Chandler III)
May 2004-2005

Not only did Kelly get Ace illegally, but the infant was soon in the middle of a custody battle with his new parents. After Kelly realized having baby Ace wouldn't help her keep Kevin, she decided she wanted sole custody of the baby. Kevin, of course, wanted full custody as well, just to spite Kelly. He got the baby the first time they went to court by lying to the judge. Liam and Aidan were most likely cast at this time because Ace suddenly had an increase in airtime due to the custody battle.

Kelly met Todd in the park to talk about the letters and what she was going to do, now that Kevin knows he is not Ace's father. Kelly's plan is to tell all of Llanview that Todd is the baby's father. That did not go over well with Blair {Kelly's cousin and Todd's lover} o. Todd ended up telling Blair the truth and now Blair is out to get Kelly and make sure the baby goes back to his birth parents. {7-6-2004, OLTL }

When crazy Margaret kidnapped Ace it marked the second time this child had been kidnapped. Margaret was in love with Todd and when she found out that Ace was Todd's son (he wasn't), she wanted to keep him for her own, thinking Todd would come to her. Todd found Ace and returned him to Kelly.

Kelly loved her son and wanted only the best for him. Kevin also loved Ace, but wanted to get back at Kelly for sleeping with another man (so he thought). So, Kevin took custody of Ace from Kelly. Ace was living with Kevin when he was kidnapped for the third time by his birth mother Babe Chandler and his Uncle, Jamie Martin. Ace is currently living his life as James (the new name that his birth mother Babe picked for him) somewhere in the USA. He is on the run from his birth father JR Chandler and the Buchanans.

For further pictures and information about Ace's life as baby James, who is now reunited with his birth mother, Babe, visit the Children of All My Children.



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